Friday, September 28, 2012

Memory's diver story

The deep sea diver jumped in the deep cold blue water looking for treasure. Then he found an octopus sitting on an old treasure box. The octopus stretched his long tentacles all over the treasure box.

Tom hid in the wiggly seaweed and surprised the octopus. Then the diver tried to pull the octopus’ sticky tentacles off the treasure box. Tom and the the octopus were fighting. The diver tied the octopus’ sticky tentacles into knots.

Tom the diver was running to the treasure box. He opened the box and saw gold sparkling.

By Memory


  1. Hello Memory. I loved reading your story, especially the parts about the octopus and his tentacles. It sounded like quite the fight! Good writig, thanks for sharing.

  2. hollo Memory I love reading your stroy.Form samoa.

  3. Talofa,I really like your Divers Story.Keep up with the good work.

  4. Talofa,I really like your Divers Story.Keep up with the good work.


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