Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Junior's Visy story

Junior tells you why he had to wear a bright orange florescent jacket at the Visy recyling centre.

Alice's Visy story

Alice shares what protective clothing she wore at the Visy recycling centre and why she wore it. Well done Alice you spoke very clearly and precisely.

Venetia's shares what she saw at Visy Recycling.

Venetia has used lots and lots and lots... of interesting words to describe what she saw. She also says it with confidence and intonation. Well done Venetia.

Visy Recycling

The focus for Term 2 is how to make things Bigger, Better, Stronger or Faster. In Team 2 we are focussing on how we can make our world a better place to live in by recycling. We will also be designing, creating and evaluating an item that we have made from recycled rubbish. As part of this focus we visited the Visy Recycling plant. Have a listen to what the children saw at the recycling plant.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Cameo shares her secrets of success

Cameo has had a really good think about how she has made good progress at school. She also shares her goal for Term 2. Well done Cameo I like how you have added lots of detail about your progress.

Anahera's goals

Anahera has been an excellent office monitor this term and she shares how she has achieved this. She has also set her goal for Term 2 to make her just as efficient in the classroom.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Heather shares her secret.

Heather has made good progress in Reading. Have a listen and see how she did it!

Ambers goal

Amber shares how she has made great improvement in all areas. She has also set her goal for this term. If anybody can share with her how to make your reading neat and tidy leave her a blog. She would love to have some really good ideas.

Roimata shares her secret

Roimata shares why she has made such good improvements in her Reading and Spelling. Have a listen and if you agree with her leave her a friendly blog.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Devan's goal

Devan has thought really hard about his goal. Have a listen and if you think you know how he can succeed at his goal leave him a message on his blog. He would really like to hear from you.

Chyrus's goals

Chyrus was an excellent bin monitor in Term 1 and got lots of certificates for Room 7. He shares with you how he can get just as good in the classroom too.

Sione's introduction

Sione has recently arrived from Tonga to join us at Point England School. This is his first ever recording! Well done Sione

DJ's achievements in Term 1

DJ shares with you what makes him so good at Maths. Well done DJ you are so clever at Maths. :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Adriels' goals

Adriel is an excellent student. She shares with you how you too can be an excellent student.

Olivias' achievements

Olivia made huge improvements in Reading in Term 1. She shares with you how she was so successful. Well done Olivia

Mubashshirs' goals

Mubashshir shares his secret of how he is good at Maths. He also knows how he can make his Reading better. If you were the same as Mubashshir BLOG him and let him know how you got better at stopping at full stops.

Mya's goals

Mya explains how she is going to get better at her spelling. Have a listen and if you know of another great to get better BLOG her and let her know.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Yvarnas' goals

Yvarna shares with you how you too can be good at dancing.

Alice's goals

Alice shares what makes her such an all round excellent student. She tells you what she is good at and even know's why. Well done Alice.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Junior shares his talent

Junior is a talented artist and shares with you what makes his artwork so amazing.

Jamal's goals

Venetia's goals

Room 7 have been looking at what they are really good at and setting new goals for Term 2. Have a listen and if you know how they can achieve these goals leave a comment on the BLOG.

Patricia's goals

Patricia share's with you what makes her such a good monitor with a really clear and confident voice. Well done Patricia.